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LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING! (The Original) (Full...

Let Me Tell You Something! is a viral video of a scared man sitting in a chair about to bungee jump while screaming in an Indian accent "let me tell you something" to the attendants who are about to drop him. After its upload in mid-2022, the sound was used on TikTok by many who posed humorous lip-dub skits that prompt desperate hesitation.

LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING! (The Original) (Full...

On June 28th, 2022, the TikTok[1] account shotovercanyonswing posted a video of a male customer sitting in what they called "the chair" about to be dropped off the ledge in order to bungee jump. The man is seen shouting, "Wait, wait wait, let me tell you something! Let me tell you something!" and subtly laughing as he does so. Over the course of three weeks, the video received roughly 51.1 million plays and 5.9 million likes (shown below).

President's Remarks at Ask President Bush EventShawnee State UniversityPortsmouth, Ohio 1:24 P.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. I appreciate you all.Thanks. Be seated. I got some work I got to do here. (Laughter.)First, thank you all for coming. I've got an interesting way ofexplaining today why I have made some decisions I made, and what Iintend to do to lead this country for four more years. I've asked someof our fellow citizens to come and share with us some stories that mayhelp people in this part of the world understand about why we do whatwe do in this administration. First of all, I want to tell you I'm here to ask for the vote.See, I believe you got to get out among the people and ask for thevote. And I want to thank you all for coming. I appreciate you beinghere. (Applause.) I'm glad you invited me to come here toPortsmouth. The murals are fantastic, they are beautiful.(Applause.) They said, you got to see the murals. I said, okay, takeme by them. (Laughter.) And I'm glad they did. It's beautiful. Whata special part of your city. Thanks for sharing them with me.(Applause.) I want to thank -- by the way, I always thought Roy Rogers was fromTexas. (Laughter.) I know, I'm wrong. (Laughter.) I'm sorry Laurais not here. I know. We got on the bus and Zell, who is a wonderfulfellow and a great friend, says to me, you'd be wise if you took Laurawith you. I said, well, I know, Zell, but she went to two otherstates. She's out campaigning. She's a fabulous woman. You're notgoing to believe this, but -- (applause) -- we're about to talk to someschool teachers here. When I asked Laura to marry me, she was a publicschool librarian. (Applause.) Public school librarians for Laurahere. (Laughter.) And so, of course, I went through the traditional,"will you marry me?" And she said, yes, just so long as I don't haveto give any political speeches. (Laughter.) I said, okay, that's finewith me, you won't have to give any political speeches. Fortunately,she didn't hold me to that promise. (Laughter.) She gave a heck of a speech the other night in New York City.(Applause.) She sends her love and sends her best. And Zell gave aheck of a speech the other night, too. (Applause.) The way I'd liketo summarize his speech is that it's okay for a Democrat to support mefor President. And if you're interested in a stronger America, a saferAmerica, and a better America, put Dick Cheney and me back intooffice. (Applause.) And I appreciate you being here. I want to thankmy friend for coming. (Applause.) I know there's a lot of -- thank you all. Remember I've got somework I got to do, because I want to answer some of your questions,too. I appreciate the cheers, but let me do my work. (Laughter.)See, I know this part of the world is like parts of Georgia and likeparts of Texas, where there's a lot of what we call discerningDemocrats who -- with whom we share a lot. That's what Zell wassaying. He was saying to people in this part of the world, it's okayif you're a Democrat to pull the Bush-Cheney lever. And we welcomeDemocrats into -- into this election. We want Democrat votes. And sowhen you're out registering to vote, register our fellow Democrats.(Applause.) Register them and turn them out to vote. And that's another reason I've come today. I'm asking for yourhelp. I hope that you get out and do our duty as citizens andparticipate in the process, register people, and encourage people to goto the polls. Tell them we've got a duty in this country to vote. Andthat's what I'm here to ask you to do, and I appreciate yourwillingness to work and turn out the vote. When you do, we're going tocarry Ohio again and win a great victory in November. (Applause.) I want to thank Rita Rice Morris, the President of Shawnee State, aUniversity of Opportunity. I appreciate you coming. Rita, thank you.(Applause.) A little later on, you'll hear me talking about how this is achanging America, and government must recognize that. One of thethings that's changing here is that in order to find high-paying,quality jobs, you've got to have a college degree. Most new jobs inAmerica require two years of college. One in four of our students getsthere, which means government must do a better job of intervening earlyin high schools to help at-risk students, emphasizing math and scienceso people will have the skill base necessary to fill the jobs of the21st century, raising standards, but also expanding Pell grants so low-and middle-income families will be able to send their kids to collegeand they can start with a college -- start their career with a collegedegree. And I appreciate you coming, Madam President. (Applause.) What I'm telling you is, we're going to make our job trainingrelevant so we help our workers. We're going to help them in highschool, we're going to help the community college, as well, to gain theskills necessary to fill the jobs that are now growing here inAmerica. And so this is a great place for us to come and talk aboutjobs and job skills right here at a place that's training people forthe jobs of the 21st century. I'm proud of your leadership. Thank youfor having us. I want to thank my friend, Rob Portman, Congressman Rob Portman.He's a -- (applause.) Here's typical Portman. He says, take creditfor the Visitors Center. I said, wait a minute, you did all the hardlifting. All I did was see to it that it happened. I want to thankthe Congressman very much for his work. He cares a lot about thepeople in this city. You're just getting to know him here, you'regetting to see a really fine guy. He's a good, solid American.(Applause.) I want to thank Mike DeWine, the Senator from the great state ofOhio. Where are you, Mike? Probably making a phone call.(Laughter.) I want to thank Voinovich, who is not here, but, listen,put him back in office. George Voinovich is a great United StatesSenator. Proud to work with him. (Applause.) Doug White is with usfrom the statehouse. Anybody else from the statehouse here, I want tothank you all for coming. Appreciate you serving the folks here inthis part of the world in the statehouse of Ohio. I want to thank the Mayor, Jim Carl*, for being here. Mr. Mayor,I'm honored you're here. Appreciate you taking time. I want to thankAnthony Munoz, mi amigo. Thank you for coming. (Applause.) I metyour daughter the other day. Yes, Tennessee basketball star. Anthonyis a great guy. He's helping me in the campaign. He's helping toinvigorate the grassroots. Those are the people who put up the signsand make the phone calls and do all the hard work. You're grassroots,I can tell it looking right here. But I appreciate your hard work. Listen, I had the honor today of meeting with folks from thepacking plant. We got a management guy, we got the head of the unionwith us, two other hard workers. Actually, there are going to be threeother workers. About to talk to one in a minute. But these fourpeople came on the bus. I stopped the bus in the middle of town, theyhopped on. (Laughter.) And we talked about -- let me tell yousomething about what I heard. First of all, I heard that I fulfilled a promise. In the 2000campaign I said we'd do everything we can to keep the Piketon jobsavailable -- not only the jobs there; this is an expanding operation.I'll tell you why it's expanding -- it's got enlightened management andenlightened leadership. These are people who work together for thegood of the work force, and as they do so, working for the good of thecountry. And I appreciate the leadership of the folks at Piketon, andI want to thank you for what you're doing. And welcome. (Applause.) I'm going to first talk a little bit about our economy in achanging world and how we're going to deal with it. And then I'm goingto talk about how to keep the country safe. As you get out and gatherup the vote, remind people that this economy has been through a heck ofa lot recently. We've been through a recession. We've been throughcorporate scandals. And those corporate scandals hurt us, they did,because a lot of our economy depends upon trust, and when you havepeople who are supposedly writing good numbers down on paper violatingthat trust, it causes people to wonder. The message is clear now inAmerica, we're not going to tolerate dishonesty in the boardrooms ofthis country. We're going to hold people to account. (Applause.) That attack on September the 11th hurt us. Make no mistake aboutit, it hurt this economy. Estimates of a million jobs lost in thethree months after the attack. That meant people weren't working.That matters to me. And we've overcome those obstacles. That's what Iwant you to tell your friends and neighbors. We have been through alot, but we're overcoming the obstacles. I'll tell you why I think we have -- one, we got great workers,workers who are productive; workers who work hard. We got great smallbusiness owners, people who are dreamers and doers and planners, andhope for the best, and employing new people. (Applause.) We got greatfarmers in America, people who know how to work the land. (Applause.)I also think the tax relief helped a lot, helped to overcome theobstacles. (Applause.) We're adding manufacturing jobs here in America. The nationalunemployment rate is 5.4 percent. We've added 1.7 million jobs sinceAugust of '03. We're growing. The national unemployment rate of 5.4percent is lower than the average of the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.(Applause.) That statistic doesn't help some of the working peoplehere in Ohio; I understand that. I know that parts of your great statehave lagged behind the rest of the nation in recovery. So long assomebody is looking for a job and can't find one means we've got tocontinue to promote pro-growth policies. I'm fully aware that there's some communities in your great statethat need help. That's why I proposed opportunity zones. These are afantastic opportunity for cities and counties that have been affectedby loss of manufacturing jobs to be able to get special tax relief,priority when it comes to federal funding. It's a great opportunity torebuild your communities, and the federal government is going to helpyou, so long as you take the initiative. We can't make people --(applause.) People often ask me, what about job creation. Of course, we wantjobs to grow here in America. In order to make sure they grow here inAmerica, America has got to be the best place in the world to dobusiness. So people say, what does that mean? Well, you can't dobusiness here if we don't have reliable energy supplies. How can youexpect for people to be able to work in the United States of America ifthe employers can't get energy. We're too dependent on foreign sourcesof energy now. Two years ago I proposed to the United States Congress an energyplan, and it's stuck because of politics. And this plan encouragesconservation. It says that we perhaps can add to our energy suppliesby using ethanol and biodiesel. It says that we can do a better job ofdeveloping technologies, clean coal technologies. We want to be usingour coal. Coal makes a lot of sense because we've got a lot of ithere, and we can use technologies to make -- (applause) -- to make thiseconomy grow. But I need a plan to my desk that we submitted to make us lessdependent on foreign sources of energy. That's necessary in order tokeep jobs here in America. In order to keep jobs here in America, wegot to cut down on all these lawsuits that are making it harder forpeople to hire people. (Applause.) In order to keep jobs here, we gotto have a health policy that makes sense. We want health careavailable and affordable. We want the health care decisions to be madebetween doctors and patients, not by bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.(Applause.) And there is a big difference of opinion on health care in thiscampaign. If you listen carefully to the plans of my opponent, it'sall about strengthening the federal government's role in health care.And I think that would be a mistake. Our policies aim to strengthenthe role of the individual and small businesses. Now, let me tell you some of the plans I've got. Over half theuninsured in America work for small businesses. Small businesses arehaving trouble affording insurance. Rather than federalizinginsurance, why don't we be wise about it and allow small businesses tojoin together so they can buy insurance at the discounts that bigbusinesses can. (Applause.) We're going to expand health savings accounts. Listen, Iunderstand there are some people in this country that cannot affordhealth care. That's why we want to expand the community health centersin every poor county in America. That makes sense. It's a wise use ofyour money, as far as I'm concerned, to have places where people canget primary and preventative care if you can't afford it. It's muchbetter that these clinics be available rather than emergency rooms oflocal hospitals. (Applause.) We're going to continue to defend this Medicare program we put inplace. This is good law. You might remember what the Medicare debateused to be like. It was called "Mediscare." (Laughter.) So theywould lay it out there for somebody to talk about, then they would beathim over the head with it. But I went to Washington to solveproblems. People say, please explain to me as clearly as you can theproblem of old Medicare. Well, here it is. Medicare would pay forsomebody's heart surgery, which might cost up to $100,000. Medicarewouldn't pay for the drugs that would prevent the heart surgery frombeing needed in the first place. Now, that's not a very cost-effectiveuse of your money, because the pharmaceuticals would be substantiallyless in cost than the operation. And it's certainly not fair for ourseniors to have a plan that didn't help them with prescription drugs. Beginning in 2005, there is going to be preventative screenings forthe first time in Medicare. If you sign up for Medicare, you're goingto get a free checkup. And the reason why that's important is yousolve problems early before it's too late. Secondly, in 2006, you'vegot prescription drugs coming your way if you're a senior. (Applause.) I'm just getting wound up here. (Applause.) Let me talk about oneother issue -- one other issue as regards to health care. And one ofthe reasons why we have working uninsured is because small businessescan't afford health care. And one of the reasons they can't affordhealth care is not only the structural problem I just outlined to youbefore, but because there's too many frivolous lawsuits that arerunning up your cost. Make no mistake about it -- (applause) -- thesefrivolous lawsuits are running good docs out of practice, and aremaking the practice of medicine more costly. And we need to do something about it. See, I don't think you canbe pro-doctor, pro-patient, pro-hospital and pro-trail attorney at thesame time. (Applause.) I think you have to choose. Now, my opponenthas made his choice, and he put him on the ticket. (Laughter andapplause.) I have made my choice. I'm standing with the smallbusiness owners. I'm standing with the docs. I'm standing with thepatients. I am for medical liability reform now. (Applause.) A couple of other things I want to talk about, then we'll talk withsome of the citizens who are here. Remember I talked about a changingworld? Some of the institutions of our government need to change --some of the systems of government need to change, is a better way toput it. You know, a lot of -- if you think about it, the pension planswere designed in the past. Health care policies were designed in thepast. Tax policy is kind of old and stale. And I think we need tochange these systems in order to make sure people can realize theirdreams and so we got a better tomorrow. The tax code needs to be simplified. We need to change it. Peoplesay, oh, sure, we've heard that before. I'm telling you, if I havefour more years, I'm going to bring Republicans and Democrats togetherto simplify the code. Here's why we need to simplify it. We spendabout six billion hours a year on taxes because the code is toocomplicated, it's a million words long, and there's too many specialinterest loopholes. For the sake of fairness, and for the sake ofgrowth, economic growth, we need to simplify the tax code. (Applause.) They say, oh, that's too hard. Well, listen. Medicare was plentyhard and we got it done. The No Child Left Behind Act was plenty hard,we got it done. The tax relief was plenty hard, and we got it done.This administration knows how to get things done. (Applause.) And I'mlooking forward to simplifying the tax code. (Applause.) One of the interesting facts about our society is many women workin the house and out of the house now. That wasn't the way it was 30or 40 years ago. That's the way it is today. And that's why I thinkwe ought to change labor laws to allow people flex-time and comp-timeso moms can have more time to plan their lives, to do their duty withtheir children. Same with dad. (Applause.) In other words, the laborlaws were written -- written for the past. They ought to reflect thepresent and the future. We ought to make sure that the Social Security system meets itspromise. Now, if you're on Social Security, forget all the politics.Nothing is going to change. You'll hear all kinds of rhetoric, believeme. It's the way it is every campaign. Somebody says, SocialSecurity, and immediately, people are going to jump up and say they'regoing to take your benefits away. Forget it. You're safe. Babyboomers like me, we're safe in Social Security. (Applause.) The trustis okay for baby boomers. It's the children and grandchildren we needto be worried about. The trust fund becomes insolvent down the road. And so what are we going to do about it is the fundamentalquestion. I think we need to think differently. I think we ought toallow younger workers to take some of their own money and set uppersonal retirement accounts as a part of Social Security, so SocialSecurity exists. (Applause.) Something somebody owns. It's somethinggovernment can't take away, and it's something you can pass on from onegeneration to the next. I repeat, if you're retired, don't listen tothe tired rhetoric, that political noise about taking away your money.It's just not going to happen. If you're a baby boomer, we're fine.But the problem is there's a lot of us and there's fewer payers, andthose fewer payers is who we need to worry about, those coming up overthe next couple of decades. So what I'm telling you is, is that over the next four years, I'mgoing to work to change systems that are old and antiquated. That willhelp people. The role of government is to help people with theirlives, not try to run their lives. Our philosophy is to say we want tohelp people realize their dreams. (Applause.) The tax relief worked. Now, the problem we have, for those of usin Washington, is they always talk about tax relief in terms of numbers-- this number and that number. So I've asked a family here to join us-- Jennifer and David Shoupe is with us today. Thank you all forcoming. (Applause.) Stand on up. It looks like little Shoupe mighthave heard too much of hot air. (Laughter.) Laura always warned menot to


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